Srikar FS  Image

1. Srikar FS is an essential nutrient fertilizer contains 19% Iron & 10.5% Sulphur 
2. Srikar FS formulated with water soluble powder which is used to correct the Iron chlorosis  (yellowing of leaves) in plants 
3. Srikar FS plays vital role in photosynthesis  and breakdown of carbohydrates. Ensures normal growth of crops with high quality yields.
4. Since presence of sulphur, Srikar FS fight against pest and fungal diseases which attack plants.
5. Srikar FS brings the  soil pH neutral by its acidic nature.  At neutral pH other nutrients are come into available form  to absorb by the plants.
6. Srikar FS is compatible with all agrochemicals.

Recommended crops :- All crops 
Dosage :-  Foliar Spray : Dissolve 2 to 3gr  of Srikar FS in one liter of water and spray on both surfaces of leaves. Use spreading agent for better spreading and absorption of sprayed solution.
Soil Application : - Apply 10 to 15kg of Srikar FS per acre based on crop requirement
     ? Srikar FS can be applied during initial developmental stage, vegetative growth stage and flowering & fruit setting and development stage for better results.
Available packings : 1Kg
