Champ Nite  Image

1. Champ Nite  is a natural potassic  fertilizer contains three essential nutrients (Potassium(23%), Magnesium (11%) and Sulphur(15%)) in fully water soluble form.
2. Champ Nite has low salt index  and is virtually chloride free hence it is good source of fertilizer for chloride and salt sensitive crops such has fruits, vegetables, gape vines, potato, sunflowers, tobacco and sugarcane etc.
3. Champ Nite is a Natural salt, doesn’t  change the soil pH after application hence it is effective on all types of soils.
4. Champ Nite is a  fully water soluble  fertilizer but dissolve slowly and resisting the  rapid leaching from the soils.
5. Champ Nite increases the Grain fill, color, weight, firmness, size & general appearance that increases the value of any given crop and improves  the resistance in plants against diseases, insects & adverse weather conditions.
6. Champ Nite is compatible with other water soluble fertilizers and micro nutrients.

Recommended crops   :- All crops 
Dosage :-  Foliar Spray : Dissolve 5 - 10gr  of Champ Nite  in one liter of water
Fertigation  :  Apply  25 Kg of Champ Nite  per acre  in split doses
    ? Champ Nite can be applied at reproductive stage for the development of fruits & seeds

Available packings : 1Kg , 10Kg and 25Kg
