Champ Potash Image

1. Champ Potash is a fully water soluble fertilizer containing two essential nutrients potash (50%) and sulphur (17.5%) 
2. Champ Potash is an effective fertilizer to prevent and correct the potassium deficiency symptoms in crops.
3. Champ Potash is a chloride  free potash source hence it is most effective source of fertilizer to chloride sensitive crops like fruits, vines, tobacco, potato and vegetables.
4. Champ Potash provides better resistance to drought, frost and pathogens .
5. Champ potash increases the shelf life of crop produce.

Recommended crops :- All crops 
Dosage :-  Foliar Spray : Dissolve 5 - 10gr  of Champ Potash in one liter of water
Fertigation :  Apply  2-3 Kg of Champ Potash per acre  per day
    ? Champ Potash  can be applied during  final development stages of the plants  
    ? Champ Potash don't mix with fertilizers containing calcium and magnesium elements

Available packings : 1Kg , 10Kg and  25Kg
