Donar NK Image

1. Donar NK is a fully water soluble  fertilizer contains 13%Nitrogen  and 45% Potassium.
Total  nitrogen is present in nitrite from which is quickly available to the plants.
2. Donar NK Prevents and correct the Nitrogen & Potassium  deficiency symptoms in plants.
3. Donar NK increases the uptake of calcium  & magnesium nutrients.
4. Donar NK imparts resistance  to pest, diseases and low temperatures.
5. Donar NK Prevents dropping of  immature  & developing fruits under unfavorable conditions.
6. Donar NK increases shape and size of fruits  and seeds with shining appearance.
7. Donar NK is Non Volatile, easy to apply with no nitrogen losses to the atmosphere.
8. Donar NK can be mixed with all types of fertilizers and  mostly used agrochemicals .
Recommended crops :- All crops
Dosage :-  Foliar Spray : Dissolve 5 - 10 gr  of Donar NK in one liter of water .
                   Fertigation :  Apply  2-3 Kg of Donar NK per acre  per day.
? Donar NK can be applied at fruit development stages for better results.
? Donar NK   don't  mix with fertilizers containing calcium and magnesium elements
Available packings : 1Kg , 10Kg and  25 Kg
